About Us

digitisethis was set up with the specific aim of offering archaeological consultancy companies a specialised onsite archaeological surveying service. Our company, based in Kent, operates mainly in the South East where we have been involved in archaeological projects of varying types and sizes since 2006. We apply the latest in surveying technology to both the field of commercial and research archaeology and offer competitive rates for both. We also provide offsite post excavation digitising and CAD work to produce high quality graphics for archaeological reports and publications.

Why Use Us?

Flexible and Reliable
  • We are a specialist company dedicated to archaeological surveying and associated graphics production. We use standard archaeological drawing conventions when digitising but have always stayed flexible to the different presentational styles of our clients.
  • The unpredictable nature of archaeological site work means that features tend to appear unexpectedly (such as the discovery of a burial). We are available at short notice to do onsite surveys.
  • Close communication between ourselves and our clients is important so that we understand exactly what our client wants. We are easily contacted, by phone or email, if queries arise or if any additions or alterations need to be made.
  • We realise that some large archaeological consultancy companies have their own in-house surveying teams but we offer an alternative option for these companies by offering surveying services as and when they are needed, providing a more cost effective solution.
  • We are also able to offer competitive rates to smaller and medium sized companies who require surveying but may not have their own surveying expertise, equipment or the time to do it.
  • We understand that funds available to those carrying out non-commercial research archaeology may be limited. We therefore offer reduced rates for groups and individuals undertaking this kind of work.
Local and National
  • For those large archaeological companies not based in the South East, we offer an alternative to sending out an in-house surveyor long distances to cover sites far from their offices. This may be especially useful for when there are small sites which require only a handful of points and spending the majority of a day travelling becomes uneconomical.
  • For those companies outside the South East, we are available for onsite surveys and digitising and graphics production which can be sent remotely via email or post.